Results of SDI Intervention for Chronic and Immediate  Crises

  • CARLOS,  Corpus Callosum - A four-year old boy from a poor family in East Los Angeles was
    born without a corpus callosum, the part of the brain which differentiates right from left.  Philip's
    processing “bypassed it” and Carlos began to feed himself, talk, sit up, take notice and play. Carlos'
    medical doctor reports the dramatic clinical progress after only a few months: "The child is able to
    speak, sit up and feed himself, produce at a special school and interact with people ." (See Video
    documentation on

  • LANA was the teenage daughter of Tom, a 75-year-old man who, according to friends, was
    “coming to the end of his usefulness, was frail with a weak digestion and regular chest infections.”
    Successful after a full career in journalism and politics and then married to his fourth wife, Tom
    eventually became disillusioned and troubled in his relationships, especially with his current wife and
    daughter who were fighting all the time.

    As soon as Tom heard about Philip Savage from a friend, he made appointments for himself and his
    where Dr. Savage was able to help hundreds of war-zone children, and Tom was able to establish
    harmony in his family relations and able to do the work of three men half his age (“with a spring in
    his step and a special twinkle in his eyes!”) Tom then brought his teenage daughter, Lana, to see Dr.
    his step and a special twinkle in his his teenage daughter, Lana, to see Dr. Savage.

    Lana was seriously impaired by a birth trauma that affected her emotionally and physically.
    Emotionally, she was withdrawn, developmentally disadvantaged and virtually mute with fright about
    trying anything new. Physically, she was awkward, made strange facial grimaces and had difficulty
    making friends.

    Immediately after seeing Philip, Lana became more assertive and confident, no longer grimaced and
    engaged in many adventuresome activities, including horse riding and a week-long European trip
    without her parents. She started to look like a normal teenager, was able to engage in social
    conversations and passed all her school tests, academic as well as psychological and developmental
    (all fully documented by school records.)