Proving for the First Time the Existence of a Higher Power by Scientific Means

Contact Person: Dr. Jane Dillon, president, Catharsis  (+1) 760-415-4550

Philip Sauvage, whose extraordinary work inspired the non-profit California corporation called Catharsis, proposes to do
FREE ground-breaking scientific tests, worldwide, on victims of severe fire burns from flaming cars and homes, wildfires
and terrorist bombings, to PROVE once and for all, the existence of a "higher reality".

Mankind's deepest need for existential meaning deserves an answer, says Philip Sauvage: "Getting the absolute
certainty that some form of a 'higher power' does exist and getting all the proofs and evidence that this 'higher power'
can be successfully accessed, processed and manifested through some very specific 'transcendental forces' " is in the
public’s interest… the people’s oldest and most fundamental interest.

Sauvage's protocol is exact and requires only four details be sent to his team within 30 minutes of exposure to fire:
NAME, DATE of birth, PLACE of birth, and ANY PHOTO of the burned victims. These data can be texted in an MMS
message, from any mobile camera phone to the EMAIL address: or to the camera cell

Tests on severe fire burns are simple and easy to set-up under strict scientific control and scrutiny anywhere in the
world, using camera mobile phones, text messages and email. They are non-medical, non-pharmaceutical and public.
There is no risk, no cost, and no interference with standard medical treatment as the processing is done entirely from a
distance, involves no direct contact with the victim, generates no ethical dilemmas and is verified by the burn doctors.

Dramatic results are immediate, clearly observable, absolutely incontrovertible, and quickly reproducible in hundreds of
cases.  Journalists, firemen, emergency workers, and people without any scientific knowledge whatsoever can organize
a burn test and see with their own eyes the unprecedented and unequivocal OBJECTIVE proof, recorded on their own

The broader this Fire Burn alert, the more burn victims can be located – in Africa, Asia, the Mid-East, Europe
and America – and the faster the test results can come in.  After a sufficient number of successes, Sauvage may then
organize a second step to include the training of his own fire emergency teams in response to future terrorist bombings,
a threat that is becoming of central concern to people and governments around the world.

Just CALL or TEXT, within 30 minutes of exposure to fire, required information of a PHOTO of burn victims:
       NAME, BIRTHDATE, PLACE of birth, and/or ANY PHOTOGRAPH of burn victims.

ORIGINAL PROTOCOL by Philip Sauvage: “The Pursuit of Truth, Happiness and a Higher Power

Instant Burn Recovery PSA video with Fire Chief Joe Lowe
(call to find out how)

The Unprecedented Science of Subliminal Distant Influentiality

    “I cannot think of a person (or a group of persons working together toward a specific goal or
    toward some material outcome) who would not benefit from using my ‘subliminal influence
    technologies,’ to bring about a complete change of attitude (political, commercial, or personal)
    of some targeted individual or individuals.      ( Dr. Philip Savage, Father of the Science of SDI)

Based on the fact that all living things are deeply embedded into a unified field of global consciousness he calls the
“psycho-continuum,” Dr. Savage’s subliminal science is somewhat related to the most advanced concepts of quantum
mechanics (inseparability and a-locality), Jungian theory (synchronicity and collective unconscious), theories of the
morphogenetic fields (Sheldrake) and of the psychofields (Kaznatcheiev).

Using his absolutely unique technology, Subliminal Distant Influentiality (SDI),
Philip Savage is capable of doing
“impossible” things from a distance,
anywhere in the world, with unprecedented results. He is able to “break into the
psycho-continuum,” surf in it with excellent accuracy, and eventually reconfigure it according to specific purposes.

As he says, “People actively exposed to my subliminal procedure are then driven to do, unconsciously, things
they otherwise would not do [e.g. tell the truth], or vice versa, not do things they otherwise would do [e.g. not
commit the crime].

A few extraordinary features of Subliminal Distant Influentiality (SDI):

  • There are no “anti-subliminal” counter-measures. One cannot avoid the ineluctable (but unconscious) taking over of
    his or her most essential centers of decision (both intellectual and emotional), and one cannot escape his/her own
    neuro-behavioral recalibration according to the predefined specific objective.

  • Precisely because it is subliminal and distant, SDI far exceeds any known system in the world. With SDI the entire
    “implant” operation is achieved without any traceable procedure of psycho-suggestion and, therefore, it does not carry
    the potential danger to the programmer of later memory retrieval by skilled hypnosis experts. In other words, SDI
    leaves no tracks.

  • The practical outcome of being exposed to SDI is the same for all subjects: a partial or complete “brain-reset,”
    involving major readjustments in the neurological centers of decision-making processes. Depending on the specific
    assignment, subjects soon demonstrate some form of deep psycho-behavioral change, with dramatic consequences in
    their professional, legal, political and familial circumstances.

  • Details of classified information are not required for successful use of SDI. Clients provide only minimal coordinates to
    begin the process, followed by whatever “local feedback” they have available until the specific assignment is

The science of SDI is precise, efficient and fully tested with laser-like results. Its uses are unlimited in the fields of health,
business, legal, government, politics, criminology, economics, athletics, family, ecology, and private and international security.

  • Health: Bio-restoration of patients, including animals, suffering or dying from any kind of disease, including so-called
    incurable ones. Rejuvenation whereby the degenerative aging process is reversed. Recovery of individuals, families,
    groups from any trauma, crisis or threat:, i.e. victims of rape, genetic defects, children’s problems/retardation, cult
    abductions, drug dependency/addiction, fire burn, viral epidemic, etc. (Ethiatrics)

  • Enhancement and optimization of active people: Athletes, CEOs, racehorses, mothers -- anyone in competition to
    “win.” ”Be all that you can be:” Partial or complete “brain reset” (a new existential "blank slate"), depending on the
    need of the individual.

  • Morphogenic Cybernetics: Digitally blending the DNA and morphic images of different persons in order to bring about
    the dramatic results predefined by the client in the fields of criminology, business, politics, ecology, military, legal,
    security. For the first time, now that advanced morphing computer systems and digital scientists exist, the world’s only
    Cybernetician can carry out previously unattainable huge-scale projects. (Sociatrics)

Examples of practical effects of SDI on targeted subjects:
  • Witnesses, politicians, informants are compelled to tell the truth.
  • Despots, rogue rulers, leaders abusing powers are compelled to “step down."
  • Terrorists, criminals, junta agents are compelled to “make mistakes” and get captured.
  • Threats to families (drug dealers, unfaithful “friends,” cult members, “bad” influences) or to businesses (cheating
    employees or partners, advisors, competitors) are “removed” (in ways beneficial to everyone, including the “threat”
    who gets healthy and moves on).
  • Athletes and racehorses get “subliminal neuro-bypass,” on-the-spot “legal steroids.”
  • Celebrities, businesspersons, dignitaries (and their children) get absolute unequalled security and protection
    anywhere in the world, unavailable from any other “service.”
  • Agents in any field get enhanced and equipped to “rearrange events” in order to successfully complete assignments.
  • Victims of accidents, injuries, sudden attacks (e.g. terrorist, criminal, heart, viral, bacterial, drug overdoses) get
    emergency “protection plan” and accelerated recovery.
  • Large groups of criminals (rapists, murderers, thieves) get “subliminal readjustments” that “improve themselves,”
    dramatically reducing crime rates and public fear, and increasing well-being in residential communities, cities, states
    and governments.  (Implementing MCC digitally can potentially bring these effects to the global level).
  • Besides the obvious relief of suffering and dying in individual health crises (cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer’s, etc.), Philip
    Savage’s SDI and MCC provide a “Bio-Shield” in the case of viral epidemics and an immediate “emergency response”
    task force in case of fire burn, from any source, including international terrorist attacks or biological warfare.

Results of Dr. Savage’s advanced science and technology of Subliminal Distant Influentiality have been
documented for more than 25 years
in laboratories and universities in Europe and America on thousands of people and
animals, especially in the field of health recoveries, any of which are reported on his website. Dramatic results in the fields of
politics, economics, criminology, and security involving “changing,” previously “sick” (e.g. criminal) minds are confidential and
obtainable only through personal consultation or classified files.

SDI has no competitor in the world. It constitutes the most powerful (and exclusive) technology in existence today,
forming a complete and insurmountable non-lethal weapons system, providing unmitigated hope for a peaceful, swift, and
irreversible solution to any conflict, national or international, social, political, economic, or ecological.

What matters most about SDI is that it works. Highly controversial (from a philosophical and ethical point of view), its
extraordinary value and potential make its use essential for the welfare of the world and the future of Life on the planet.

The Washington Post in 2001 highlighted the value of Philip Savage's SDI technology as an unprecedented “remote doing”
weapon in the war against terrorism:
“It was a weapon with varied and highly relevant powers: To make reluctant
witnesses talk, to heal burn victims. Not a bomber or a vaccine but a man, or more like a superman, named
Philippe Sauvage….”

Philip Savage can demonstrate SDI
on severe fire-burn victims, anytime, anywhere in the world, “on cue,” for free. When
done within the first few minutes of exposure to fire, the results are so dramatic they defy all our known limits. He will then
follow with demonstrations in increasingly more complex scientific protocols. While he is not permitted to use his technology
within human activities without authorization and justification from clients, when his conditions are met, he is able to produce
and the results are unprecedented.

By using SDI and MCC on a global scale (Sociatrics), people’s deepest, most immediate needs, as well as Dr. Savage’s only
agenda –
forcing a shift in human thinking that will change the world -- shall be accomplished. SDI is the secret
weapon people have been dreaming about to accomplish their most difficult “jobs.”

SDI is now available to people who can most afford to use it.  Those who are dying of terminal illnesses, terrified of
personal and economic losses, wanting to control, influence or outshine their competition, can now use Philip Savage's
exclusive technology for their own advantage...
IN EXCHANGE FOR an equally valuable concrete material gift (money,
territory, property, etc.). Those reciprocal contracts with people, organizations, and businesses, that trade their resources for
his "powers,” make possible Philip Savage’s foremost project: Save the Earth and rescue the children.


Unprecedented Worldwide Breakthrough in Treatment of Severe Burns

Statistically more people have died from burns since 1981 than from AIDS!
Such tragedy is no longer necessary.
Save the life-saving phone number in your own cell phone and
tell all to do the same. Just call within the first 30 minutes of burn and watch what happens.

SAVE this number: 1-818-332-6445
3.  JOIN "CLUB EARTH": Crisis, Rescue, Reconciliation

Last Chance for our children and the future of our species
Your Chance to find out for yourself what's happening and what to do about it.

JOIN "Club Earth" and be part of Catharsis' private club of Givers.

Receive the latest information about Philip Savage's IMAGO project, Ultimate
Rescue Capsule, and his unparalleled Archeofuturistic Sapiential Bio-Institute

(SBI) the "Mother Ship" from where his most essential Earth-Life saving projects emerge

  • Laboratories to prove the unprecedented effects of SDI and MCC that will
    provoke the paradigmatic primer that could usher us into a new scientific era.
  • Morphogenic computer systems and the scientists to use MCC at the global
    level to reduce crime and fear, and increase well-being throughout the world.
  • Green Think Tanks where "remote doing" strategies can be worked out by
    advanced scientists and the last of the ancient shamans to buy back the Earth
    and set up pristine Nature Enlightenment Centers equipped with the tools to
    reconcile Man and the Earth.
  • Healthening Clinics where people (and animals) can be taken care of in person
    or from a distance, receiving the health miracle they're craving and the self-
    healing powers to maintain it.
  • IMAGO structures where the bio-cognitive evolutionary leap long overdue for the
    human race can take place,... quickly.
  • Wilderness Windows of Hope where abandoned children can be rescued,
    "reset" and live in symbiotic union within their restored natural environment.
  • Urban Biognostic Green Schools where every child can learn the previous-ly
    unknown miraculous mysteries of Nature right in the middle of their own city.
  • Training facilities where a few dozen Gaiatricians (Healers of the Earth) can
    receive the key and, in turn, pass it to others creating, exponentially, a wave of
    healing where we can have 8 million healers worldwide within one year.
NEXT:  9.  Earth Crisis -- Ark of IMAGO -- Ultimate Rescue Module

Use SDI, Save FireBurnDoctor # in your cell phone, Join "Club Earth"

"I may not be able to turn absolutely everybody into "Bio-Justiciary Warrior-Monks," whose Mastery and Servancy
far exceed any documented knighthood and priesthood, yet I could transmute nearly all decent good-willing
persons into remarkable Gaiatricians (Earth healers) whose mind-force powers (in the field of eco-health,
especially) would surpass anything as yet known to man.
      (Philip Savage, Strategaia: Earth's Battle
for those who "just know how to give."

Part 1:  The Earth does not belong to us… we still belong to the earth.
Earth is sick from our environmental degradations, our bio-felonies.
Our dramatic alienation from the Divine Natural Law and Order has brought about this sickness.
Our individual pathologies directly reflect the Earth's health condition.
We behave like carcinogens on the Earth (toxic and overpopulated), so we get cancer.
We destroy the Earth's immune system by opposing the Divine plan and betraying our duty, and we get AIDS.
We steal the Earth's blood from her very brain (her hidden fossil fuels), and we get Alzheimer's.
In the process of committing collective suicide, we fall out of trust with our divinely thought-out immunophysiology.

What Philip Savage does to reverse this is the ultimate in empathetic "healing" practice of reciprocation, in which he must be ready to
sacrifice himself, unconditionally.

Philip explains: "I must merge with them until we are completely reunified, then we have to merge together with the human superconscious.
The human superconscious must merge with the Earth super-conscious that must merge in its turn with some cosmic hyperconscious until
the ultimate divine dimension is eventually activated. Then the loop comes back the other way around. In the process, if the reciprocating
sacrificial drive of the "healee" has been unequivocally demonstrated, cathartic processes of extreme magnitude transfer most of their
existential responsibility upon myself. Then, and only then can they start to experience unconditional self-love and unconditional self-respect
for the "healees" to break free forever from their bio-existential entropy" (breakdown of their living organism).

This is the Law of Reciprocity – of giving for giving, until the loop becomes a circle of giving –  whereby everyone automatically receives, but
the FOCUS is on the giving.

This is the process of atonement – of finally WAKING UP to what you have done wrong and are ready to CHANGE your suicidal separation
from your own higher Source and its Divine Natural Order, of which each of us is an INTEGRAL part.

There are three stages to this process of atonement  (AT ONE MENT):

1. First is to ACKNOWLEDGE the facts of our "freewill" dis-connectedness in which there is no circumventing the consequences of our own
actions. To acknowledge that we are suffering this dramatic disconnection because of our own doing – our own materialism, greed, self-
centeredness, egocentric ways of living on this planet. To acknowledge means to get out of denial and take responsibility.
2. The second step is REPENTENCE which means to RETHINK. This is NOT the debilitating guilt or shame taught to most human children
to keep them under control. To repent means to rethink what you have done and what you can do about changing the mess you have done to
yourself (and our world). It means an 180 degree reversal of direction. It means to Change your mind about what you're doing,  recognizing
your own responsibility in what has gone wrong and fixing your mistakes. It is the way we vindicate the Divine for all evil. In other words, stop
blaming God for what has befallen you. Confess, "I did it, I'm sorry and I'm not doing it anymore."

3. Third step, without which the other two are completely meaningless, is to PROVE IT!  SACRIFICE. GIVE. Sacrifice in this atonement
process means SACRED GIFT – not spare change or free ride. It means, as Philip says, "to work the sacred out." Or to work it out with the
Sacred Divine Source!  It means to give back to the Earth, our higher self, the Divine, to all Life EVERYTHING we have been stealing from her
all these many years (and lifetimes). It means to JUMP into the sacred hoop of giving everything, which then returns to you (by law of
reciprocity) the Divine's sacred giving on your behalf. On the path of Divine atonement there are NO FREE RIDES. You don't get there by
TAKING, but by giving. And you cannot cheat the Divine. Your giving must be a fair exchange – value for value – equal unconditional
reciprocity. It must be JUST.

Part 2.  THE ONLY KEY to self-healing is... JUSTICE.
Justice is the highest and most solstitial natural law in the Divine Natural Order, the law that transcends all others. It is the SOLE key that
opens or closes all other transdimensional gateways -- those realms that Philip takes you through -- that key of EQUAL AND ABSOLUTE
RECIPROCITY --  Lady Justice.

Justice is the only key to your reconciliation with the Divine Natural Order. There is no circumventing this law, period. That's why nothing else
works – and that means nothing else – none of the new-age egocentric band-aids, massages, therapies, remedies, so-called
"technologies" have the KEY.

Justice is the law of oneness, supreme over all other levels. That oneness is a living movement of giving. What you give out to the Divine
Natural Order shall return to you… when what you give is Just, you receive Justice in return. When you give injustice (separation, taking, ego
worship, destruction of Life), you receive injustice in return.

Philip asks, "How can you want to be given to, if you do not know how to give? In the world of the Divine, how can we think we even own
anything, when everything belongs to the Creator and his Divine Natural Order. Even our sacrosanct concept of freewill may very well be a
similar illusion, when actually the only real choice we may have may just be to say YES to the Divine for our life. Unconditionally. The best, if
not the only, way to give back to the Divine Natural Order what already belongs to it is to help rescue the Divine Natural Order, and not to heal
by natural means, but to heal nature by means of themselves.

Even Gandhi says: "A spiritual aspiration without an equal spirit of sacrifice in return is the worst possible sin of all."

Giving everything to the restoration of the Divine Natural Order begins the Geosomatic loop, the sacred hoop... that then returns to you ...
harmony, balance, homeostasis -- the Divine Natural Order in your own being!... Of course! This is JUSTICE.  This is the sacred hoop
alluded to by ancient aboriginal traditions. This is the KEY to self-healing. You do not know and cannot access this hoop because you have
never given everything up to the Earth. Yes, you've given to yourself, your children, loved ones, favorite charities what you have stolen from the
Earth.  But you have never given back to the Earth. Taking keeps you separated from the Divine hoop. Which is why we take more, separating
us further. This taking reaching epidemic proportions without giving back – this injustice – is why we see our beautiful, raped, battered,
murdered Mother Earth has begun to die.

So, give something huge for the Earth. Give it up and join the sacred hoop. Give up everything you think you've got. Your own proportionately
uncomfortable threshold. JUMP. Reverse the taking you've done for lifetimes. Give. Give up. And keep giving.

And such a wonderful feeling it is in itself -- to just glow.  We know because we've done it!

So, Give to the real solution – the only solution – the fast track -- the only track -- reestablishment of the Divine Natural Order. The only
solution that will save her life… and ours. To survive, our Mother Earth needs us to change from destroyers to Defenders of Life and Justice.
To do so, we need to atone – Acknowledge, Repent (rethink), Sacrifice (sacred gift). By doing so, we raise our own and our collective human
consciousness… immediately.

Part 3. Gaiatricians (Earth Angels - Healers) ARE... first, SELF-Healers
Then and only then do you get self-healing powers… You are given the sacred status of Gaiatricians – healers of the Earth. And you become
vibrantly healthy. With unlimited joy and happiness, as Philip Savage says, bio-bliss-on-tap. Everything re-balances, with vitality, purpose,
meaning, --  blessings and miracles show up everyday… as a result of YOUR OWN DOING – your giving. You are "taken care of" within the
geosomatic hoop of giving – your right relationship within the Divine Natural Order. You get the field of faculties you can only glimpse or read
about – fully operational and at will. You get rejuvenated, renewed youth. You get the only (ancient) Key to Self-Healing and can heal for Real
-- spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

We know because we have this, can do this and can prove this. You cannot get this anywhere else or any other way... this quickly. The only
way to heal ourselves is to heal the planet. To pay for our bio-crimes, to pay for the damages, to prove we're givers and then keep giving.  As
Philip writes, "If you know a better way to give back to Life and Justice before Life and Justice get back at you with a vengeance, go for it.".

This is the wave of healing -- the key that Philip has and can pass to us.  A few dozen Gaiatric healers of the Earth who Philip trains directly
and who in turn pass the key to others, and so on. Reaching critical mass just in time to help reverse and mitigate some of the devastating
effects of the coming catastrophes -- the immunological reaction -- the bio-Catharsis cleansing -- that Earth has no choice but to do to save

All over the planet, Gaiatricians, fully "tooled up," ready and on duty when needed (8 million within a year), in every major city able to take care
of fireburns in minutes. Taking care of victims from oil, gas and nuclear explosions, terrorist attacks, suitcase bombs, volcanic activity etc..
etc....  Viralogical outbreaks such as bird-flu, plagues, epidemics, victims of biological warfare on the one hand; on the other, establishing
wilderness windows of hope, rescuing the children, urban Biognostic Green schools and the Sapiential Bio-Institute to demonstrate proof
and train other Gaiatricians.

These Gaiatricians then qualifying for the evolutionary leap into Imago-hood, the fully awakened from larval to mature state, the final stage of
human evolution...  of humanity's full potential. The final also being the original condition (completion of the loop), restored to the original
state of Bio-guardians, protectors and enforcers of the Divine Natural Order, the re-connection and reconciliation of Man and Nature... in other
words, IMAGO, the complete fully-evolved human being.

TO START:  You may JOIN "Club Earth," Catharsis' PRIVATE club of givers.