SECTION 2: Beyond Electromagnetism



Shielded Room (Faraday Cage), Cystic Fibrosis, Corpus Callosum
higher laws, genetic engineering, brain bypass

    This second section of the most important SDI experiments provide ground-breaking scientific evidence of:
    non-electromagnetic phenomena, remote genetic engineering in utero, and transcendental abilities to
    "shift" realities to higher dimensions for DNA-brain repair.

To scientifically demonstrate that Dr. Savage has the ability to operate from a "higher" dimension utilizing principles and laws yet unknown and untested
in modern reductionist science, greatly expands the valuable and life-changing knowledge and capabilities currently available to humanity.

When people, children and unborn babies can be influenced from a distance to quickly and effectively eliminate symptoms of diagnosed disease or to
recover from crippling birth damages or to "respond" in most unusual and positive physical and observable ways to SDI processing, the very existence of
unknown "higher" realities, natural physical laws and scientific principles is verifiably proven. New knowledge and treatments can then become available
for their benefits to the human race. Humanity and science desperately need the revolutionary new knowledge that Dr. Savage provides.

Experiments 4-6 in Section 2 were conducted to investigate, visually and on laboratory records, the capabilities of Dr. Savage's SDI processing to reach
beyond the known natural laws of electromagnetism, to utilize higher transcendental forces within existing multiple realities, and to have an
immediate positive effect (sans placebo) in the following cases:


Modern "reductionist" science limits their research and theory to a material world that they can see, measure and quantify, reducing it "downwards" to
smaller and smaller parts that they can more easily study, drawing mathematical implications and extrapolations in order to understand the nature of
complex things that can never be understood by breaking them down. The result: fragmented information that fits within the few natural laws that modern
science recognizes.

While this reductionist method may make it easier for scientists to study, write and advance their own research careers, it eliminates any possibility of
investigating or testing what may actually exist beyond ("upward" from) the object of study in relation to other objects in its natural context, as well as
anything that may exist beyond their limited observable material world. Great scholars throughout history have warned against false "reductionist"
thinking, claiming that,
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

Two thousand years ago, Aristotle wrote: "The whole is something besides its parts. The whole is not the same as the sum of its parts. The arguments
are particularly appropriate in cases where the process of putting the parts together is obvious, as in a house and other things of that sort, for there,
clearly, you may have the parts and yet not have the whole, so that parts and whole cannot be the same."
What was "clearly obvious" to Aristotle 2000
years ago is still obvious to great thinkers today, including those scientists who are currently arguing against "reductionism," insisting on integrating and
replacing reductionist science with what they term "holism" and "emergence," (the development of new abilities from the interplay between its parts).

In explaining reductionist research in medicine, one doctor states the obvious, something any five-year old already knows:
"An apple consists of fiber,
protein, carbohydrates, vitamin C, etc., which in no way defines it's 'appleness.'"

Dr. Savage agrees,
"Medical research treats disease, not health. Health is not just the absence of disease. Health is the condition of a whole living
body, including psycho/social elements."
Health cannot be attained or understood by treating or understanding only the "parts" (or the "diseases") of the
person, hence Dr. Savage´s term "healthening," a constant proactive state of always improving, physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual



Common Design Criteria

These three experiments have different specific design criteria and were conducted in three different locations.
What they have in common is value, efficacy, reliability, reproducibility, validity and no risk:

Elimination of any Placebo effect.
Subjects were unconnected, unconscious or incapable of knowing or understanding that SDI processing was

Results are observable through visual and laboratory test records. Possible to refute.

Tests are easy to organize with required laboratory testing instruments.

Large sample of statistical data is possible.

Tests can be done from a Distance. Subjects can be separated by thousands of miles from the SDI processor
without any difference in the effectiveness of the SDI treatment.

The exact location of the subject is not required; only a few basic coordinates or a photograph is required.

Results are quickly observable visually or within hours on lab testing, and are so self-evident, they
leave no room for argumentation or interpretation.

Results are reproducible by students trained in SDI technology.

No risk, no interference with standard medical care.
Experiment 4:
Subject was separated from the SDI practitioner, who was located in a specially designed shielded room (a Faraday Cage)
that provided complete electromagnetic deprivation.

Experiment 5:
Subject was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis in the mother's womb, unaware and unborn. (No possible placebo effect).

Experiment 6:
Four-year-old subject was born without a corpus callosum, unable to move and neurologically
incapable of believing in SDI processing. (No possible placebo effect).
Quantum science reveals that the reductionist model in science is no longer useful in explaining actual events. Dr. Kauffman explains why scientists
are no longer satisfied and proposes "emergent" theories to help explain quantum events, entanglement, etc., and concludes that we don't need to
believe in God, that LIFE is valuable on its own. Dr. Savage says Life is the only and ultimate proof that God exists that we will ever have. And that we
can know this by just respecting and investigating all Life with "intellectual honesty," not the fanatical fundamentalism that comes with entrenched
dogmatic "scientific" belief.

The institutional crisis in science (and medicine) is the fundamental flaw in the reductionist paradigm. Reductionist science`s isolationistic premise of,
"analyzing and describing a complex phenomenon in terms of its simple or fundamental constituents"  not only renders itself blind to the whole that
governs the constituent, (the whole being greater than the sum of its parts), but by its own constraints, can only be inaccurate. By comparison, for
example, to give some sort of valid speculation on the functionality of a bee-hive from studying a handful of bees in isolation, is obviously absurd. The
very premise cannot help but produce myopia to the whole by reducing the whole to what is happening only in its parts. The problem: It is impossible
to reveal the whole by studying an isolated part.

Reductionist science can never go beyond its analysis of "parts" to explain the meaning, function, or purpose of a whole (organism, entity, object, or
person). The results of Dr. Savage's life-long work and the
12 Experiments that Changed the World featured here is an invitation for scientists to
pursue knowledge of higher dimensions and laws that he has access to. Dr. Savage's EXPERICAL science begins, not with theories, beliefs, hunches
or simulations, but with known, observable, proven facts that he can demonstrate scientifically over and over for others to see, learn and use.

Dr. Savage explains:

"Once again, the only semantic tool, the only link I can have with you for you to understand, is the experiment, experiment, experiment -
the proof. People are tired of anything else right now. And we are running out of time. We need proofs. We need tools. And that's what I'm
here to bring - tools. To re-empower people. That's what they need the most - to see with their own eyes, to experience with their own
senses. Not freedom. Not new messages. Not a new enlightenment. Just tools, very down to earth, literally, and matter of fact."

Scientist and medical doctor Stuart Kauffman explains the
inadequacy of reductionism in two important articles:

"BEYOND REDUCTIONISM (2007): "The drift away from reductionism among physicists is most pronounced among solid state
physicists, who deal with such things as metals, glasses, spin glasses, and systems with many 'broken symmetries.' The physicists
who hold out for a firm reductionism are largely high energy particle physicists, like Weinberg, seeking that final theory, say string
theory. But it is precisely in the province of string theory itself, that doubts are arising. The early hope was that a single string theory
would be found that would explain quantum gravity and all the known particles and forces. Such a single string theory would be the
answer to Weinberg's dream of a final theory. But at present, it appears that hope for a single theory is fast fading and a number of
high energy physicists are abandoning reductionism....

Many physicists are giving up on the adequacy of reductionism alone to explain the properties of the world. In its stead, a new
scientific world view is just starting to come into view: Emergence. The rather astonishing theme that is emerging in this new world
view is that the biosphere and human culture are ceaselessly creative in ways that are fundamentally unpredictable and presumably
non-algorithmic or machine like..
..In short, the evolution of the biosphere is radically unknowable because we cannot prestate the
macroscopic relevant features of organisms and environments that will lead to the emergence of novel functions in the biosphere
with their own causal properties that in turn alter the future evolution of the biosphere. It cannot be simulated, certainly with
continuous space-time and quantum mechanics playing a role.

"TAKING HEISENBERG'S POTENTIA SERIOUSLY (2017):  We affirm Zellinger's call for critical examination of the dual notion of
space-time as a fundamental domain for all that exists, and urge that this is what needs to be dropped in order to make progress in
understanding what our best physical theories may be telling us about Nature.... We need to 'think outside the space-time box'.
What current authors are endeavoring to do, in fact, is just that: to 'kick off the throne' the usual conception of space-time as an
all-encompassing container for all that exists.

This new ontological picture requires that we expand [beyond reductionism] our concept of 'what is real' to include an
extra-spatio-temporal domain of quantum possibility,... the counter-intuitive features of quantum mechanics such as non-locality,
entanglement and instantaneous collapse.... It is now well-established that Nature at the quantum level entails a form of non-locallity
such that it is not possible to account for phenomena in terms of local common causes....

I hope what I have sketched above points to a new vision of our co-creating reality, that it invites precisely an enhancement of our
sense of spirituality, reverence, wonder and responsibility.... Life is valuable on its own.... Reality is truly stunning.... Civilization
needs to be changed."